Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bennington and Beyond

The track work continues. Progress hass been slowed by a shortage of rail joiners, believe it or not. I have a habit of spilling the rail joiner box and losing dozens of the little buggers in the storage under the layout. Local hobby shops can't get the Atlas product, so I'm using Peco Code 80/55 joiners. They work better than the Atlas I think, but are a bit tight. I have more on the way, but in the meantime I'm gleaning joiners from the crevices and scrap pile to keep going. Using this method I have managed to move on a few feet and make it around the curve and past the twin tunnels (use your imagination). In the past few days work has advanced quite a bit from KN on the east end of The Curve...
KN From McGarveys Curve

Horseshoe Curve
McGinleys Curve and the Bottom of the Slide


On the way I found an area that cannot be reached from the aisle. Fortunately I can move items from storage and access the entire layout from underneath. I did this and was able to come up in the middle of the benchwork and reach the backside of Bennington. Eventually this view will be unavailable. There are mountains slated to fill in this spot. I'll probably have to make part of them removable to access this area...
Bennington From the Back Side
This complicate my plans for the "Blair Furnace" section of the layout. Now I have to figure out how to keep the track arrangement and a removable section at the same time...
Blair Furnace, o Be or Not To Be?
Then again I may have to scrap Blair Furnace altogether. A compromise may be in order. If I eliminate the passing siding and connection to the westbound mains I'll have room for both the Glen White "branch" and the access panel.

A clever segue to discuss the progress on the westbound mains. I was able to find enough rail joiners to push the westbound tracks past the twin tunnels and partway around Gallitzin...
Gallitzin Looking Towards the Twin Tunnels
 I haven't made provision for the helper loop yet. This provision would probably coincide with the installation of the interlocking at SLOPE where the helpers are stationed. Both areas will require the installation of a dozen or so turnouts, turnouts that I don't have available just yet. I had thought of making my own turnouts, but I'm not sure I have the skillset just yet to pull that off.

I went through my "remnant" box last night and found a few more rail joiners, maybe enough to complete trackage to the helix.

Frank Musick
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Allegheny Eastern Railroad

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