Monday, January 21, 2013

On a Binge

This must have been the weekend for it. I started on some of the projects I've had on the back burner and couldn't stop. Went into a motive power frenzy, including yet another run at the phantom R2. It just didn't look like a J1a or a Pennsy locomotive in general. I rebuilt the cab and took a shot at building a "coast to coast" tender. It's nowhere near an exact replica of a J1, but I'm hoping it leaves a similar impression...
Alleghany Eastern Class R2
Allegheny Eastern Class R2

The locomotive is built from a trio of Bachmann Northern shells cut and spliced back together. The cab is a combination of the cabs from the same models, although the cab sides are made from styrene. The cast pilot is Bachmann pilot covered in Squadron Green putty sanded to shape. Some of the details, like the tanks under the running boards were cut from scrap. The long distance tender is a combination of USRA and Pennsy tenders with a few pieces of styrene. Currently the trucks don't swivel, there isn't any room between the skirts. I'm not sure how I'm going to solve that yet.

I also got some major work done on two sets of first generation diesels. I was using an E-8 as a stand-in for one A unit in my EP3 set (A-B-A EMD E-7 units). I had an extra E-7 B unit so I spliced the two together to make an E-7 A unit. I could have tried to purchase and E-7 shell, but I couldn't find one. Besides, why spend money when the parts are on hand...
Allegheny Eastern Class EP3
Allegheny Eastern Class EP3

The final project for this go-round was a pair of Fairbanks-Morse H-15-44 road switchers. I purchased the shells on EBay. They were part of a set that included Baldwin RF-16 "shark" shells. I mounted the FM shells on RS-3 mechanisms. I used a Dremel with a cutoff disc to remove some of the frame to allow the mechs to fit in the shells. Like every other locomotive on the All East they were sent to the paint shop for a coat or two of DGLE...
Allegheny Eastern Class FF15

I'm hoping this fever has passed and I can get back to work on the helix and the rest of the layout. The locomotives need details and couplers and other things, but that will come over time. 

With any luck the next blog entry will be "Finished Helix"

Frank Musick
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Allegheny Eastern  Railroad

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