Tuesday, June 11, 2013


I'm going through one of those periods when I would rather do anything but be in the garage. Mowing the lawn, fixing the car, grocery shopping, even watching TV. It's not like I can't find the time. Being retired I pretty much have most of the day to myself. I actively avoid the layout. If I do work on the Allegheny Eastern, it's only a few minutes at a time and only small things get done.

I sealed and sanded about four feet of roadbed in the Spruce Creek area. I also removed the Atlas arch bridge sides (glad I used tack glue) and threw some paint on them to see how they might look...

I did make it by the hobby shop (having the new one locally is SO convenient) and picked up some girder bridge for the HOMER flyover. I had to splice a couple and add a plastic bottom so I could skew the side to match the location...

Beyond that all I got accomplished was waiting for the test painting to dry completely. The good news is that I think I'm satisfied with my version of DGLE...

I'm also liking that Gunmetal metalizer on the smokebox. I should get right on it and repaint the entire steam fleet but I'm pretty sure it can wait until the track is laid and the mainline is operational.

Therein lies the problem. I cannot get motivated. At least not about the layout. That might change any day but right now it is really hard to achieve anything model railroad related. I'm still reading and researching so I guess that is some sort of progress.

Frank Musick
Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Allegheny Eastern Railroad

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